Wednesday, August 14, 2013

2nd Day of Camp... 8-14-2013

Great Day! The baskets were built and delivered. It took all day to install all four of them, but they are in the ground and ready for tomorrow. From what I am hearing, over 300 kids will show up for the basketball camp tomorrow morning. We have 16 basketballs and two full size baskets and two kid size baskets. It seems overwhelming to me, but to my spirit, it feels tiny. God has brought us here and God will take care of tomorrow.

There are so many underlying cultural and national issues surrounding what we are doing. Sudanese and Kenyans, from what I am told, do not mingle or hangout, except on Saturdays. They were together today. An older gentlemen came over to me to tell me this and he began to thank me for doing this. I said I could not do this, I can put the baskets up and teach basketball, but I can't mend relationships between nations. That is God's doing. He smiled a big smile.

A few Kenyan basketball players showed up today. Pretty good players. They are excited to play tomorrow, and I told them if they help us with the younger kids tomorrow they could play after. The said they would. Pastor John and the Mosleys are excited as well. Nathan brought tshirts and wrist bands for everyone. The picture should be amazing. The entire town of Moi's Bridge, Kenya, Africa will be here. They are excited that we are missionaries not coming just to do one project and leave, but that we are here to teach kids and coaches to grow the ministry through basketball. What a hook!

The goals are manufactured by some guys that live here in Moi's Bridge. Everyone just wants to be a part of what God is doing here. It is going to be great. According to Nathan, this is a manifestation of the vision God gave to me long ago. It is also a vision of everyone at the orphanage. God has been at work in this for a long time. God is joyful and proud as he looks down to see what we have done.

Keep praying for us. Pray for my family. Pray for God's mercy and love as we glorify HIS name.

Ephesians 2:4 "But God..."

Peace and Blessings,


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