Thursday, August 15, 2013

Basketball and Bye to Moi's Bridge...

What a great and blessed day today was. The basketball camp was incredible. There are so many people that came and are interested in being a part of building basketball here in Moi's Bridge. I am so blessed and lucky to be a part of what the FCA is doing internationally here in Kenya, Africa.

So many children touched and shot a basketball for the first time in their lives today. They were so excited. There are actually some very talented athletes here, that if given time, will become great players. The plan is to form a team and have them coached over the next few months in preparation for competition. I wish I could have more time with them. So many friends made. So many great people.

I will have many pictures to upload soon. I will upload them both to Facebook and this Blog. If only there was a camera in my head. So many things I would love for you to see. The word for American here is Muzungu. So if you come, that is what they will call you.

I will type more tomorrow. We are going to Bungoma, a refuge for children about an hour and a half from here. We pack tonight. So many friends I have made here. I am happy to come closer to seeing my family, but I will miss these young men so much.

Thank you Lord for this gift you have given to me. 

Bless you alll,


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