Monday, August 19, 2013


Total in air flight time...42 hours. Nathan calculated the hours in the air. The flight from Nairobi to Paris was painful, as the seats were very cramped and I had no leg room. ZZZQuil is good stuff. Slept like a log and the we arrived in Paris.

The closer we got to home the more I began to process last weeks events. The term "My cup runeth over" is applicable the way I feel right now. Nathan and I agree that we need to meet to exchange pics of the trip, as well as to debrief and put onto paper what we saw. The great analogy from Mike Hall, a very trusted friend of Nathan Jones, was that Nathan and I were Joshua and Caleb. Our job was to report back what we saw. We will do that soon.

Today was first day of teacher inservice EQ days. It has been a long time since I can remember a speaker being as motivational as Mr. Dowd was today. I was truly happy to get confirmation that people can go through life as "feelers", people that do not inhibit emotion. I am a feeler. I always have been. Nathan is a solid engineer minded logically driven person. When God placed these two things together last week, God knew we would get the job done. As a team.

Many confirmations of what God has placed in my heart occurred last week. The fact that I am a feeler is a comforting feeling. I also discovered that I am a person currently in a place to help new believers grow closer to the understanding of salvation. The vision that God placed in me is something like a stone placed in the middle of a rushing river to help those that struggle to get a across. The idea came to me in a hotel room about three years ago and my brother picked up on it and wrote a song. The river symbolizes the fear and guilt many people feel as they move towards a deeper relationship with God, the stone is there to help make the river less intimidating and easier to cross.

I am home but the blog will continue. I will try to write daily, but if I cannot I will write at least once a week. You can follow the blog by email if you would like. Nathan and I will meet and debrief this week. When we do I will keep you up to date and informed.

We are going to put together a protocol to visit this particular mission in Africa. We will have all the details for you soon, and we hope that it makes the mission trip accessible to more of you.

I was contacted through Facebook by a friend that I have not seen for more that 15 years. He said that he wanted to make a difference in children's lives. I simply told him that all he needed to do is pray and ask God everyday what he wants of him. Too many times we gush out to him what we want and fail to ask him what he wants of us. He is listening. Begin to ask that question tonight. He may answer now. He may answer 10 years from now. He may have already answered before you asked. Build a relationship with him so that you can recognize when he speaks to you.

It is good to be home. I will write again.

Peace be with all of you,


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