Friday, August 9, 2013

Morning in Nairobi.

What an amazing sleep I had last night. Slept like a log. Hit the hay about 1 AM and got up at 8 AM. Seven hours is more than enough and I am now on Kenya time. My body adjusted well.

The amount of food served on a KLM flight from Houston to Amsterdam to Nairobi is crazy! It is like you are eating every hour, and just sitting there. I feel like I need to run all day to burn what I ate.

I was Skyping my wife just now and Pastor John and his brother came up the stairs with another lady who is here to help as well from the US. Let me lay it out for you...He had Malaria and Yellow Fever just days ago. He picked us up from the airport last night after waiting for hours on us there, then this morning at five in the morning he goes to pick up another person and carries two suitcases up four flights of stairs. He looks tired, but he does not stop. Cool guys those two.

I meet Michael Mosley today. My brother has met him before and I know he must be a great guy. He called John last night and John handed me the phone and I spoke with Michael for a bit. Michael is now the administrator of the orphanage. He handles the difficult business side of things so that John can be a pastor. Anyway, Michael told Nathan last night that he was with the Masai around a camp fire eating goat. Sounds like fun.

Today we leave for Eldoret on plane at about five o'clock. Until then it appears there is some waiting to be done. It gives me a chance to write the blog, on the positive side of things.

If any of you decide to come to Africa, bring a converter for power. It is essential.

I will begin to post some photos tonight on the blog. I will do the same on Facebook. I want you to see the beauty of this place as much as possible. Write soon.

God Bless you!


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