Wednesday, August 7, 2013

We leave tomorrow...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013 (12:18 PM)

We leave tomorrow morning to Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. This is a vision that was placed in me by my creator over 10 years ago. Over the years, this vision has become something that God has been preparing me to fulfill.

There is some news that just came out of Kenya. There was a major fire, and the airport was shut down. Nathan Jones got on the phone in order to see if there was any change in our itinerary. All is good.

As we get closer to leaving, the challenges become abundantly clear. Faith is the only way. He will work miracles next week.

I have attached an email from Nathan Jones that lays out our itinerary.

I will update tonight:

Pray for us. Pray for our safety. Pray for our travel & lodging. Pray for our funding. Pray for our continued obedience & surrender. Pray for our spiritual ears to hear God while we’re there. The heartbeat of this trip is twofold: 1. minister while on the ground at the Orphanage 2. receive a vision from the Lord on how to move forward with the Mosley’s for years to come. At this point, David & I have our FCA mindset fully engaged and will be looking for opportunities to further the kingdom via Sports Ministry opportunities, and I’ll also have my BT head in the game looking for opportunities related to orphanage facility improvement projects & quality of life improvement projects of which BT McAllen can engage. We’re looking forward to ministering to the 100+ kiddos who will be at the orphanage where we will be staying, and we look forward to building relationships with those who the Lord desires for us to minister alongside for years to come. Pray for us, and pray as to how the Lord might be tugging on your heart to be engaged with us.

General Expense Budget -- $3,500 (per person)

Pre-Trip Medical Preparation for Africa (Yellow Fever Shots, Malaria Pills, etc.) -- $500
Roundtrip plane fare (McAllen/Houston/McAllen) -- $300
Roundtrip plane fare (Houston/Nairobe/Houston) -- $1,800
Roundtrip plane fare (Nairobe/Kitale/Nairobe) -- $200
Other Expenses (VISA in Kenya, one night lodging in Nairobe, food for 11 days, misc fees, incidentals) -- $700

Trip Itenerary
August 8 – Thursday -- fly from McAllen, TX to Houston, TX to Amsterdam, Netherlands
August 9 – Friday – fly from Amsterdam, Netherlands  to Nairobe, Kenya, and spend Friday night in a hotel set up by Michael Mosley
August 10 (Saturday) -- fly from Nairobe, Kenya to Kitale, Kenya, meet the other two who will be joining us for the week, ultimately end up at the Orphanage, settle in
August 11 – (Sunday) – Go to Church, continue building relationships, get briefed for the week of ministry that awaits us for the week to come
August 12-15 (Monday-Thursday) – Sports Ministry & Relationship Building
August 16 (Friday) – debrief, rest, say our farewells
August 17 (Saturday) – fly from Kitale, Kenya to Nairobe, Kenya to Paris, France
August 18 (Sunday) – fly from Paris, France to Atlanta, GA to Houston, TX to McAllen, TX

In closing, I am reminded of Psalm 37:5 “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act,…”


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