Friday, August 9, 2013

We landed in Africa...

Praise God! We landed. No problems at all. Zero.

Believe it or not, the Nairobi airport caught fire two days ago and almost cost us having to rearrange our itinerary. It was huge blaze...look it up. Google it. We had to check in with immigration in a tent set up in the parking lot. I have a picture of it. Crazy! Then we got the bags and had to wheel them over the arrival gate, all 350 pounds of it, and send it through a little door to a conveyor belt. Lotta lifting.

I am at a hotel about 40 minutes outside Nairobi. It is nice and has security all over the place. Gates and all. Good food too. I ate the chicken and collard greens. Bottle water will be the drink of choice for the next 8 days. I don't miss home yet. I miss my wife and kids, but not my home yet. I will I am sure.

We met Pastor John today. What a guy. Charismatic smile, great laugh. Mind you he is this way just 2 days after a bout with yellow fever and malaria. He has a great heart. You can see it in his eyes. He stared me right in the eyes and gave me a huge hug. Made me feel welcome. Pastor John is in charge of the orphanage. It was his doing that saved hundreds, possibly thousands of children displace about 5 years ago with the violence in the Sudan. What a guy. I will take many pics with him this week. He is tall and slender with a kinetic smile. He shared a bit of his testimony with me as we waited to get picked up, and I shared with him.

There were two others that helped us take all of our gear to the hotel. Our driver's name was Franklin. What a great kid. He must be about 15 or so. Great smile and laugh. So grateful for us being here. I have been in Africa only a couple of hours and I already feel the graciousness of the people here. Particularly those that seek Jesus and believe in his word. Brother. The call me brother. I am a tall white guy with big ears from Texas, and they call me brother. I am humbled. I am going to give those kids the time of their lives, all in the name of Jesus.

Nathan said that basketball is my platform. God has prepared me to use basketball to help people all over the world. I am so thankful to be able to do this. It is not easy. The road gets harder tomorrow, but I know God is with me. And all things are possible through HIM!

Amen...Good Night. Tomorrow the orphanage awaits.


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