Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lost Boy of South Sudan...

There is such humility in his demeanor, yet he walks with such presence. Pastor John has a testimony and life story that will blow you away. Watch this video:

When the opportunity to serve through the ministry of basketball presented itself, I jumped at the chance. It has been a vision of mine for many years, but God had me wait and mature. I am here now. In Moi's Bridge Kenya, with Nathan Jones, serving the children and the Mosley's and Pastor John now. I had no idea what existed here ,or that I would become brothers with Pastor John. He is the man in the video above. He is a good man.

The link below is for the non-profit organization geared at directly helping the orphans of South Sudan. Click on the link and you will find out more about the ministry.

The Lord has blessed me to be a part of this mission to help these children. John likes to sit and drink Kenya Green tea at night and looks upon all of what God has done and he smiles. Tonight he said, "I did not pay for your ticket, you are here because of the love that God has for these kids." What a great statement from man that has been through more devastation and heartache than any one man should endure. That is why Michael Moseley was sent here by God, to help these Lost Boys of Sudan. 

The internet, power, and water are back on at the house, and it feels like the world has been given to us here. It is harsh land with much beauty. You must come see it.

Pray that the basketball goals are ready tomorrow. The entire city is excited and wants to come learn how to play. There is not one basketball or basketball goal anywhere for at least 2 hrs. I am so elated to be here.

Have a Blessed Day

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