Friday, August 16, 2013

Trip to Bungoma...

Today we drove to Bungoma, about a 2 hour trek along unpaved roads and much traffic. On our way here, we spotted some gigantic boulders uncovered by many years of erosion. We stopped to take pictures. Nathan and I wanted to climb them, but we had to settle for pictures. What beauty!

We visited an orphanage to day here in Bungoma.  There are 28 kids there, some do not know who their parents are, manyvwere abandoned by both parents. Bishop Oguerra runs the orphanage. Please pray for them. They had no food today. They need our prayers. Beautidul kids with overflowing potential.

We had a great meal spinach chicken and ugale. We ate with oir hand tonight. It was enjoyable.  There is something so gratifying when you sit to eat in a circle of ken and you eat with yoir hands as you speak the gospel and the work of Jesus. What a blessing

There is so much to process, it will take some time to decompress and organize the events that occurred this week. I will do so for many years.

Tomorrow is a chance to visit one more orphanage to pray and support them. Then we are off to buy a few things for mu fakily and friends. After that, we catch a plqne from Eldoret to Nairobi at 7 pm. I kiss my wife and family. I am sure I will cry when I see them.

I will post tomorrow. If I cannot, I will do so ASAP.

God bless you. Please continue to pour into Nathan and myself. We can feel you.


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