Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August 7, 2013 (10:15 PM)

Just finished packing and rechecking my pack. I am carrying on a large hiking backpack and a medium duffel bag. The duffel bag is full of 20 basketballs for the camp that we are going to host at the orphanage, and a few other items that the Americans that are there need and miss.

The combination flight time/travel time is about 22 hours. The total amount of gear we are taking weighs about 300 pounds. T-shirts, bracelets, bibles and some other gifts for the kids and adults helping us with the camp are filling up four poly-carbonate tubs weighing about 50 pounds each. In Houston we will need to change airlines to KLM and hand carry the 300 pounds of gear out the gate and check in again.

In the backpack, we have packed four days worth of clothes. The plan is to wash two days out of the week and hang them out to dry. That way we were able to save space for essentials.

The journey up this point has been a miracle in itself. We have not even began the journey itself, yet I have seen God working in the my life and the lives of the people around me. I know that God's hand is directly on this trip. He would not send us over 9000 miles for nothing. He has a plan. That plan is big, and I am blessed to be part of his work.

More to come tomorrow from the airport.

Thank you for reading this blog. It is my first not "required" for a class in order to get a grade.

I hope to help all of you move towards the uncomfortable, and then move even further through life altering experiences.

God Bless you all!

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